About Mari :)

I feel like I should have something cool here... like a compilation of other peoples description of me or something lol... maybe we'll leave that for a little down the line haha FOR NOW... I guess I'll just have to introduce myself. If you have any questions feel free to ask in a comment :) (Like I've mentioned before, I WILL Make an email address eventually... for now I'm procrastinating tehehe)

So what was I saying?

oh yeah, HI! I'm Mari :)

I'm a 20 something year old graphic designer (although by the layout of my blog I'm sure you couldn't tell lol, but I wanted something simple and happy looking (: ) that lives in the North East of the U.S. I run Disastrous Ink on Etsy, and sell custom children's birthday invitations.

I have had some rough patches in my life... okay a lot of rough patches... and sometimes it just seems like they are NEVER going to go away -____- but I prefer not to dwell much on the negative and instead pay a little attention to the small positive things in every day. I had started a happy journal... which is really just a tiny dollar store diary that my boyfriend bought with a girly skull on it because he thought I'd like it hehe. The first name of it was actually the "thankful journal" and I filled it up with things that I was grateful for. My family, my home, my health... and then it evolved into little things that made me smile that I was also grateful for. One day I just figured maybe something like this could help other people who were stuck in negative places because mine had helped me a bunch... So I decided to create a little blog and keep track of the things in life that make me smile, laugh and make me happy. Just in case a bad day sneaks up on me I can nip the unhappy feelings in the bud (is it bud or butt... o.o?) and smother them with happiness (haha just a tiny bit violent lol).

I have a bit of a weird sense of humor, potty jokes go over my head a lot but some jokes which admittedly are probably not so funny will keep me laughing WAYYYYY longer than they should lol. Oh I type "lol" a lot and it usually means that I chuckle at my self because I'm a comedy genius obviously ;). oh and I also use a lot of emoticons o.O so reader beware. 

I shall point out now, while we're getting to know each other, that this is MY Blog. I know not everything that makes me happy will make you happy, and I'm sorry about that but in the end this is to help you find little tidbits of what can make you happy... maybe you can start your own happy journal like I did and come up with your own ideas... and with that being said I shall point out that I TOLERATE NO NONSENSE AND NEGATIVE COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED AND THEN *INSERT EMPTY THREAT HERE* ... So yeah... no negative comments about the things that make me happy but don't work for you okay? pretty please?  

So yeah I suppose that's all the info you really NEED... if there's anything you wanna know leave it as a comment and I'll answer it as soon as I come across it (unless it's like my address or something because that's a tad creepy :D lol)  Thanks for reading guys & gals I hope you find something to make you smile today :) <3

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