31. Grandmas

I love my little old lady :) That's what I affectionately call her. Recently she's been in and out of the hospital and it's put a damper on the happy :( BUT then I remember that I am bummed out because I love her a lot. Grandmas love you in a way your parents don't, and it's not that they DON'T it's that they love ... differently. ( ... mostly in the fact that grandparents can spoil you while your parents have to be firmer with you and mold you. hehehe. ) I owe a lot to my grandma and she holds a place in my heart that I can't see anyone else shoving her out of. Even when she drives me crazy! hahha ... I guess you just have to be in the family to get the craziness but at the end of the day it's all about love.

And, my grammy makes me happy : )

Stay happy people =p

30. The Daytime Shift (9-5 ish)

So I've had experience with your spouse working the night shift. It's awful. I hate it. ....And I don't hate a lot of things. But between me being awake and functioning during the day while he slept and then only spending about 2 hours in each others presence a day and then him making a mad dash to work when I should be sleeping... It just drove me crazy. And we never got to see each other or spend time together, he was always tired and in pain and it was just a miserable two years. It even messed up my sleeping pattern for a while... ugh.

Because of this experience I've grown to appreciate a regular 9-5 shift. I wake up when he wakes up, We're busy during the 8-9 hours we work, then we come home and have some time to relax before dinner gets made, and we sleep at relatively the same time.  I feel like we spend a lot more time together and I don't feel like a neglected puppy just waiting on him to make time for me.

And yes, I know that there are other people who spend months apart from their spouses due to work or military activities but I'm a big baby so I complain about a few hours lol.

Either way it makes me happy :)

Stay Happy people =p

029. MOFONGO!!!!!!

This one is a favorite food of mine and my mom only makes it during the holidays. So right now is my favorite time of year SOLELY because I get some mofongo! It's a green plantain based dish that has pieces of bacon and chicharron (fried pork bits) and it tastes delicious. I can't wait for Christmas Eve to get some from my momma :)

A yummy in my tummy seems like a great reason to be happy :)

Stay Happy people :)

- Mari

028. Good TV Commercials. (list)

So this is probably going to be another one of those posts that I turn into a regular "segment" on my blog. I have a little inner advertising agent and she loooooves her some good tv commercials. Ones that make her smile, that make her laugh and that make her think. So I'm going to start off my list with these two.

The first is because I'm the little girl that was born in the middle of a cold September night and "grew up" with her momma and got walked to the school bus, and I still hold my mommy's hand danget! ;p. Well at least in my head I was that adorable. hahaha! And the second, Is because even though when I was younger I didn't spend an incredibly large amount of time with my daddy, I do know what it's like to get little things from him and want to hold on to them like little treasures even though other people may think they are trash. (If you knew my dad, this would make a lot more sense lol)

Well here they are, Enjoy!!

- Stay Happy People :)

027. Seeing Friends / Family Succeed

I think there is something so primaly awesome about seeing someone you care about succeed or do well in something that they are attempting. Whether it be in their professional lives or even just in their hobbies, seeing a good friend or family member do well makes me feel really deeply satisfied. It makes me feel like I'm not that far away from success myself. It reminds me that the universe is large and there is space for success for us all if we all try hard enough.

A good friend of mine had most of the pieces of his life falling in to place this past month and I just got so happy in the knowledge of it that I decided to write this post. :)

Stay happy people =p
- Mari

026. Video Games: Little Big Planet 1 & 2 :)

Okay so I just had to be nerdy and put video games on my happy list somewhere! The first video game I thought I'd put up here was probably Super Mario Bros 3 because that was the first game I ever got to the last level on and I loved it! BUT That will be an entry for another day, today's entry is LITTLE BIG PLANET (LBP) :)

I LOVE THIS GAME FOR SO MANY REASONS! It makes me infinite types of happy. :)
a) It's a basic platforming game like Mario Bros which is pretty much my type of game.
b) You can create your own levels! And you can share your own levels with the community and play other people's levels so there are an infinite amount of levels that you can find and play and the game never really ends! (AWESOME!)
(a/b) Because you can create your own levels you can create different styles of levels (like shooter games, mini games, retro gaming, etc...) and it's all still within the same game.
c) You can play with your friends online (you can do this on a lot of games now a days, but I can play this one specifically with my sister, every night we have a standing appointment lol ;p )
d) If you're not a gamer but you want to find a game to play with your gamer boyfriend, or maybe your kids, this game doesn't really need a ton of skill for the basic levels and the story mode.
e)You can find some really cool levels that will keep you busy for hours if that is your intention... but no body really wants to be kept busy for hours and hours so if you're just looking for some casual playing this game can be right up your alley too.  :)

I started off playing this game with my manly man. I saw it in store and he picked it up and we started playing it together, and we would only play it together and we wouldn't pass any levels unless we were playing it together. It was a fun little way for us to spend time together =p hehe. As time went by we moved on to LBP 2 and finished that one within a week or two. He doesn't really play with me that much anymore so it's more of a me and my sister thing now, but when the new games come out we still make it a point to play it together first. Like when the LBP Karting came out. (But It's kind of hard considering it's a kids game O.O lol I wouldn't really recommend that one) 

ANYWAYS... This was a really long post just to tell you about something I love lol. It's available for the PS3 system.  Maybe you can give it a try sometime or look it up on you tube and see some of the game play, It's a really fun little quirky game that brings me great joy :)

Stay Happy :)

025. Birthdays

=O Guys... I'm going to be a quarter of a century old. o.O A whole shiny quarter. hehe. Still very young. Young enough to change my mind, with no real responsibilities to hinder any dreams that I currently have.

I think Birthdays are great. I think growing old is a gift that is denied to many, and we should cherish it while we are still privileged enough to receive it. I wrote a journal entry (well it was an old blog entry, back in high school) about wrinkles. There was a girl in my class who was just so OBSESSED with her looks and always calling herself ugly so that others would rush to her and tell her she looked pretty and tell her she was wrong, and one day she said that she was going to stop smiling so much so that she wouldn't have wrinkles. And my head exploded. I just sort of snapped a fuse and wrote this long entry about how I'd love to have laugh lines and crows feet from laughing too much and crying tears of joy and just having a life well lived. I'd love to have proof of having LIVED. and I think deep down if she thinks about it today she'd love some too.

When I was little birthdays meant parties home made by mom. Usually a home made cake and home built games and entertainment and it was just so much fun! As I got older my parties started changing to include bowling allies and trips to the mall and sleep overs. I still get some type of "party", It's usually just my mom and brother with my boyfriend and we play wii bowling (for my brothers entertainment) and eat my favorite food (that my mom still cooks hehe) and we call it a night :) but it still makes me feel special.

And at the end of the day that's what the birthday "party" is supposed to be about right? It's not about making something super elaborate or crazy expensive but just something to say "hey my darling, you are special, and to me this day is special because it's the day that you were born".  I still have to tell my boyfriend this every year because he never wants to do anything for his birthday -___- lol. But to me they're still special. And they make me happy.

And it's always funny how you never feel different from one year to the next but from one year to the one before that it's totally different. (On my 25th I won't feel different from 24 but I'll feel different than 23 lol. not by MUCH but I will lol) I just had a conversation about this with my cousin some months back at her sweet sixteen <3

Do you like Birthdays? Do you dread being asked how old you are? Are you looking forward to wrinkles? hehehe 

Stay Happy :)