30. The Daytime Shift (9-5 ish)

So I've had experience with your spouse working the night shift. It's awful. I hate it. ....And I don't hate a lot of things. But between me being awake and functioning during the day while he slept and then only spending about 2 hours in each others presence a day and then him making a mad dash to work when I should be sleeping... It just drove me crazy. And we never got to see each other or spend time together, he was always tired and in pain and it was just a miserable two years. It even messed up my sleeping pattern for a while... ugh.

Because of this experience I've grown to appreciate a regular 9-5 shift. I wake up when he wakes up, We're busy during the 8-9 hours we work, then we come home and have some time to relax before dinner gets made, and we sleep at relatively the same time.  I feel like we spend a lot more time together and I don't feel like a neglected puppy just waiting on him to make time for me.

And yes, I know that there are other people who spend months apart from their spouses due to work or military activities but I'm a big baby so I complain about a few hours lol.

Either way it makes me happy :)

Stay Happy people =p

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