31. Grandmas

I love my little old lady :) That's what I affectionately call her. Recently she's been in and out of the hospital and it's put a damper on the happy :( BUT then I remember that I am bummed out because I love her a lot. Grandmas love you in a way your parents don't, and it's not that they DON'T it's that they love ... differently. ( ... mostly in the fact that grandparents can spoil you while your parents have to be firmer with you and mold you. hehehe. ) I owe a lot to my grandma and she holds a place in my heart that I can't see anyone else shoving her out of. Even when she drives me crazy! hahha ... I guess you just have to be in the family to get the craziness but at the end of the day it's all about love.

And, my grammy makes me happy : )

Stay happy people =p

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