Welcome! :)

Hi and welcome to my (second) corner of the internet :)

My name is Mari (duh?) and I want to share the things that I have found make me smile, laugh and be happy.

On some days I will do a post with just a list of random words or objects that make me happy, and other days I will try and post pictures. On some days I will even elaborate on said things that make me happy and talk about why they make me happy, whatever memories I have tied to them and whatever else I feel is important to note about them.

The goal of this blog is to try and SHARE the happiness. To hopefully remind you on a bad day that there ARE things to be happy about and to look forward to and that all bad things do come to pass eventually even when you don't think they will.

I've been in very dark places in my life and it always helps to feel like there are spots of sunlight in the little things we do or that we hold dear to us to help us pass those rough spots. So if one of my memories or random things brings a smile to your face I will feel as if this little blog has served it's purpose. :) Now I know not everything that makes me happy will make everyone else happy but there are bound to be some things we have in common (... hopefully o.O)

Please feel free to share your bits of happy with me in a comment! Eventually I'll get an email for this blog but for now it's just a baby and doesn't need all the fancy stuff ;)

So browse a little, smile a little laugh a little and maybe share your happy with us. :)

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