028. Good TV Commercials. (list)

So this is probably going to be another one of those posts that I turn into a regular "segment" on my blog. I have a little inner advertising agent and she loooooves her some good tv commercials. Ones that make her smile, that make her laugh and that make her think. So I'm going to start off my list with these two.

The first is because I'm the little girl that was born in the middle of a cold September night and "grew up" with her momma and got walked to the school bus, and I still hold my mommy's hand danget! ;p. Well at least in my head I was that adorable. hahaha! And the second, Is because even though when I was younger I didn't spend an incredibly large amount of time with my daddy, I do know what it's like to get little things from him and want to hold on to them like little treasures even though other people may think they are trash. (If you knew my dad, this would make a lot more sense lol)

Well here they are, Enjoy!!

- Stay Happy People :)

1 comment:

  1. You are loved and I see that you know it by the lovely commercials that make you happy.
