002. Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwiches on French Bread *drool*

Okay, call me a fatty if you must but certain foods just make me feel a weird type of happy. Especially a home made egg and cheese sandwich on fresh French bread. I like mine with a friend egg (with the yolk popped), land-o-lakes yellow American cheese and fresh French bread from a Hispanic corner store... nom nom nom!

When I was growing up in Boston and staying with my grandma on the weekends she'd give me a dollar fifty and send me to the corner store at like 7 in the morning to get a fresh loaf of French bread. And I remember the fresh bread smell and associate it with these sandwiches because that's what she would make me before I went off to play with my cousins.

I've noticed that often times the things that make us happy are associated with things from our past. Some things, like puppies or babies smiling don't have to be associated with a memory but the random things (like the sandwich) are because we remember times when we were the purest of happy... content in the simple things mostly from childhood or adolescence . :) Just a random note I figured I'd point out... even though it must be obvious to everyone hehe :)

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