003. Books (List)

I am a grade A book worm. I am usually at my happiest when reading a good book. And I read all types of genres and styles of writing so if any of you guys have a book that you'd recommend as a good read let me know in the comments and I'll try to get my hands on it and see if it tickles my fancy. :) Oh, and thanks ahead of time for the recommendations I love discovering new books >_<

Soooo I figured that since books make me happy, reading must make other people happy too so I will share my favorites or even just recently read books with you guys as lists. I'll give a short reason why I like a book or series and have a few of them clustered together. I'll do one of these posts ever so often. :)

1. The Little Prince - This book is amazing to read as a young adult even though many people think or assume it's a child's book. It has great quotes and passages about love, relationships and life in general that can be applied at any age that can understand them. The rose has always been a woman to me, the fox a great friend, and the prince an everyman. It's beautiful.

2. The Harry Potter Series - OMG. I started reading these in middle school. BUT I only made it to the middle of book two and other things occupied my time. I did see all the movies (which goes against my "read the book and then watch the movie" way of life lol) so I knew that the story was good and I always said that I needed to get my hands on the books again (they are lost in boxes and boxes of books that I have at my mom's house o.O). So when I got my kindle fire (my new best friend) I had no excuses anymore and I bought three books at a time and plunked myself down and started reading... and then immediately regretted that I hadn't done it sooner. Like always the books were 20 times better than any movie could possibly be, and the stories always have little bits of wisdom strewn in them thanks to Dumbledore. No matter what age you are I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy reading these stories if you like fantasy books and / or if you liked the movies.

3. 365 A Daily Creativity Journal - My best friend bought this for me for Christmas one year and I don't use it as often as I like but it's an amazingly handy little book when you're bored and feeling crafty. It gives you little daily prompts of potential crafts for you to do. I've only done a handful of them but I've scanned the whole book and it's really great. It would be awesome to actually sit down and do it as a 365 project. :) I can't wait until one day I get me a craft room and I can be mod podging, glittering and assembling things all day long hehe :)


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