004. Full Body Pillows

Ever have the need to cuddle before bed and don't have a cuddly person around? Boyfriend playing video games? Hubby away at work on the night shift? ENTER THE BODY PILLOW *insert amazing music here*. tehehe. My boyfriend works the night shift and I sometimes find myself wanting to hug / cuddle him before falling asleep and he's just not available :( So I got a full body pillow and now every night before bed I lay down next to it and just drape my arms over it just like I do to the real manly man. It might sound silly but it makes me feel comforted and comfortable while I fall sleep.

Bonus happy: You know how sometimes you cant sleep without a pillow in between your legs? No? Is it just me then? o.O well anyways, it saves me from needing a whole separate pillow for my legs. Score! hehe :)

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