018. Long Telephone Calls

I usually give my dad and my sister a quick call when I get up in the morning just to see how they are doing and those phone calls only last a couple of minutes a piece. But there are some phone calls that last me hours and I love those. Usually it's a friend or family member I haven't spoken to in a while, so it just takes us a while to catch up. But I love the act of actually TALKING to someone and not just having conversations via facebook or emails (although those can be great too in their own way).  Hearing their voices and their actual laughing out loud is great. Recently my long phone calls have been with my mom, mostly me interrupting her quiet time and demanding that she keeps me "company" over the phone as I spend time alone while the manly man sleeps or works (he's a night shift man). hehe it drives her crazy sometimes, but she does it so that's nice hehe.

Phone calls are awesome, they can be very therapeutic.

Stay Happy :)  

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