020. Postcards

I love postcards! Getting them from friends who are traveling for the first time or experienced travelers who are just sending you a quick hello is a great little change in the normal mail routine.  I love hearing the greetings of great times being had and new experiences that are changing lives.

I've got to mention that sending out a few post cards while I'm traveling is probably one of my favorite things to do while I'm out there, and I can't forget my "me card". What's my "me card you ask? It's the post card I send myself from everywhere I've traveled so far, I have them all collected somewhere sitting pretty just waiting for the day that I either collect them all together in an album all to themselves (double sided 5x7 slots) OR bind them together with two jump rings and turn them into their very own make shift book. I haven't decided yet. I've seen some cool Ideas on pinterest and this whole "smash book" type of mentality does fit right in. Then again I've been "smashing" since before I knew what scrapbooking was so I guess I'm just ahead of the curb lol ;p My favorite post card so far is one that I got in Florida I believe and there were two dolphins kissing on a collage of stuffs that they offer in that particular area and I wrote that the dolphins were me and my boyfriend tehehehe scandalous ;p (why yes, yes I know that's not scandalous at all people... that's the point of the tehehehe... do try to keep up. lol)

Stay Happy :)

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