021. Snail Mail (other than bills!)

Sending me a letter in the mail is one of the awesomest things that someone can give me. I like looking at how they write their "a's" and dot their "i"s and I like seeing if they scribble in the margins or if they underline things subconsciously. I think it's more personal than and email and that it takes a little more of a person to write you a letter than it does for them to just send you an email or facebook message. I think it's a beautiful thing that you can share with someone you care about, be it a friend or family member. I have two cousins who are currently my pen pals but I haven't written to them yet this month O.O. BUT I WILL, And I'll even spray it with perfume because they deserve a good whiff of something special in the mail hehe ;p

Don't you like getting something special in the mail? Something that's NOT a bill? Something from someone special to you, who you haven't heard from in a while maybe, and who took the time to write something to you? I think it's lovely :) 

Stay happy :)

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! I love to get mail, though I admit I am bad about sending in anymore...
