006. New Nail Polish

Okay so this one is pretty girly but It's one of my favorite things >_<

I love going to the store and finding a new shade of nail polish that I either don't already have or that I don't have something similar to. My favorite ones are the Sally Hansen Insta-Dry one's that don't tend to chip too early and come in great colors. Mint and baby blue are my colors right now, maybe it's the fact that they remind me of sea glass and it is summer :).  Anyways, for me nail polish has always been about feeling a little extra girly on the days that I feel like a bag of garbage.  Usually means that it's the third day or so that I've had the nail polish on from a day that recently passed when I did feel girly hehe.

I recently bought some nail art tools, a set of dotting tools and a set of brushes for the polish, so hopefully I can start playing with my nail polish and design something cool pretty soon. :) They were fairly inexpensive so If you want to know where I got them (for under $2 each) with free shipping just leave a comment below :)

Do you like nail polish? What are your favorite colors and brands? 

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