008. Kindle Fire (or other e-readers)

Okay... This is my confession.... I ... LOVE... my KINDLE FIRE!

I was a 100% wouldn't get an e-reader type of girl. I love books. Books are my thing. I love the smell of them both new and old, the feel of the pages and the act of holding a book. One day my boyfriend asked if I would like it if he bought me a kindle fire mostly so that I could play apps because I have an embarrassingly old phone where you still need to hit the numbers to text (and I don't even have texting!). So I said sure, maybe, as long as he didn't expect me to use it for books. And then I opened the gift up on Christmas and literally have not put it down. I use mine EVERY DAY... and it's not an exaggeration. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. It made sneaking in a few pages here and there so easy! Plus I could read with the lights off and be lazy and roll over and go right to sleep instead of getting up and turning off the lights (that's horrible isn't it lol). It has literally replaced buying paperback books for me (unless it's arts and craft related), and I can't picture not having one. And yeah I guess playing the apps was pretty awesome too. I know it's not for everyone, especially since it does what any good cellphone can do, but I like the extra big screen too.

It gave me the opportunity to read more. It's less storage than all of my books that I still have at my mother's house (o.O') and it's a fun little gadget just to have! It makes me smile :) (and keeps away boredom lol)

Would you ever get an e-reader? Just for books, or with apps too? Or are you more of a paperback book type of person? 

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