009. Photography and old photos

So I'm an aspiring photographer, at least that's how I say it. I studied some of it in college ( as more than just an elective) but I just don't feel like I'm good enough at it o.O and other people say It doesn't look half bad (lol okay they say they love the photos) but then I can't help but feel like they're just saying that o.O.  I just recently went full manual on my SLR =O and that felt great hehe.

When I capture something that I find beautiful I feel a little piece of my soul gets happy. So when I take a million pictures my soul gets super happy lol. And to me a lot of things that aren't traditionally beautiful, are. That in it's self makes me happy too. :)  But my downfall is that on vacation I get trigger happy in the worst way lol. I forget to enjoy the adventure and just get stuck behind the lens O.O. It's my tragic photography flaw lol.

BUT the upside to that is that I end up with pictures from my WHOLE experience. The good the bad and the funny things that with my Fibro Fog I'll totally forget within a week. bahaha! And looking back on photos especially the one's that are horrible and blown out but they catch a smile in the background or something like that, TOTALLY make my day.

So to sum it up Taking photos makes me happy and looking back on photos make me happy too :)

Here are some of my first few photos that I took with my SLR =O (they have a disastrous hybrid watermark because the first place I posted these was on my old personal xanga.) :)

So what do you think? Do I have a future in this photography world? Lol. I think I need a little practice but I can only get better so I'm excited for that :) Plus I love that these photos remind me exactly of that day. The first time I met my youngest nephew (we live 100 miles apart) and he was only about 6-9months, such a fatty! <3 and I saw my cousins and it was just a great little day before our photo shoot. :) 

What are your favorite things to take pictures of? :)

Stay Happy :) <3


  1. I like to take pictures of my YUCKY CHILDREN! Then, flowers, cute animals... and MY YUCKY CHILDREN! I too am obsessed!

    1. Hahahaha Yucky Children are nice to take pictures of hehe ;p
