010. Spanish Corner Stores

In most city / inner city areas there are certain little stores that are found on corners... these are dun dun DUUUUN Corner Stores! (I delivered that fabulously, admit it. lol)

Corner stores remind me of my childhood, when I would be sent by my grandmother to fetch french bread in the early mornings or given a dollar to spend on candy at my whim. This corner store had a bunch of bins behind the cashier with penny candies for 5 or 10 cents a piece and I would count out how many candies I bought and savor each one. Or a 25 cent bag of chips with a 10 cent teeny drink. They also had special Spanish candies like Merengue (Meringue), dulce de leche and these white coconut sticks whose name eludes me at the moment. (I've only ever found them in Spanish corner stores so I'm assuming they're a Hispanic thing.) Plus those special candies were only ever 75 cents - a dollar apiece and that was great too.  The Corner store reminds me of good, big breakfasts and snack times at pretty cheap prices (although everything has gone up in price in the past 15 years). Either way it makes me smile.

Stay Happy :)  

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