011. Pinterest!

I have a MILD obsession *cough* addiction *cough* to Pinterest :)

On my personal pinterest I have almost 17,000 pins O.O. I think that It's the best thing since sliced bread, especially for creative types. There are tons and tons of tutorials and recipes and I mean who doesn't love discovering something so randomly and then having it become one of your favorite things or dishes.

I use it mainly to day dream of a) a closet that I can't afford and all the clothes that would be in it,  b) the house where said closet would be in that is several hundred grand out of my price range and c) the totally awesome food that I would be making if I was more adventurous in the kitchen. tehehe.

I've tried a few recipes here and there and I'm still in love with the spinach and artichoke dip that I made from one of the pins I had a while back. Yumm :)

So I'm working on pinning party and event related pins on my business pinterest (http://pinterest.com/disastrousink/ for those of you who are curious) but I get so caught up on my personal page that I forget to re pin the awesomeness I find throughout the day. But I'll work on that :)

Pinterest reminds me of my old computer and photobucket. I have a photobucket account for hosting my photos and stuff but mostly I use it as storage. I used to collect random pretty pictures and inspirational quotes from around the web and I'd upload them to my photobucket so that I could look back on them when I needed inspiring. Now pinterest just made my life easier lol.

Do you have a pinterest? What are your favorite type of pins?

Stay Happy :) 

1 comment:

  1. My favorite pins are sports cars! Followed by art, and so on. But cars, yeah, I love sports cars.
