012. Popsicles, Fruit Bars and Ice Pops

I can't tell you what thing screams summer to me more than Popsicles. (Okay well maybe I can say the pool, the beach, watermelon, cherries and water shoes, BUT ice pops are definitely up there hehe) I love me my frozen treats. I believe Ice cream is a year round thing, but most of the popsicles I like only come around during the summer time. I like the one that has two halves top and bottom that you can snap in the middle and share with your friend (or in my case one of my cousins) and like almost everything else on this page it reminds me of my childhood. I remember nights spent outside and coming home full of sand and sitting and having an ice pop before bed. Or going to the corner store with a dollar and buying a coconut frozen fruit bar, yum! It's my moms favorite too so now sometimes we get together and have ourselves a fruit bar ... or two... so unhealthy I know but it's summer time, let me revel in my extra calories lol.

Want to make your own popsicles this summer here's a post from buzzfeed food with links to 33 recipes for summer sweetness :)  

oh and this is what my favorite popsicles look like :

Stay Happy people :)


  1. Both the ice cream and crumble have a bit of dark brown sugar to soften the flavors.gluten free ice pops

    1. Thanks for your comment, but the link doesn't work :( (sends me to a 404 page) but they sound delicious :)
