013. Squishy Hugs from your Mom, no Matter How Old you Are.

Yes, I shall shout it from the rooftops, I Mari, am a huggle monster.  I like big squishy hugs best, not those fake half hugs some people give out, yuck. I like being engulfed by warm arms and being slightly squished. Although my mother has dubbed me "the soft thing" and every time she hugs me she sorta squishes too hard O.O. But it's still a nice hug. Mommy hugs are awesome, even if you're "too old" for it (BA HUMBUG! As if you're ever too old. My mom still hold my hand in parking lots and crossing the street O.O yeah... baby forever. lol) My Brother also give's good hugs, he's built like a bear you see, so he's perfect for bear hugs bahaha.

Anyways I think we all like hugs deep down inside (unless you're a germ freak). Something about human contact and feeling so close to someone else brings you a little ball of happy right through your chest. Weather we are happy or on the verge of tears, hugs can make it all feel okay, and I love that. It makes me happy :)

Stay Happy ;)

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