023. Collections

When I was little (in like third grade ish) we had a day where we were sharing our collections. So my mommy brought over my miniature collection. I had mini (very mini like barbie doll ish sized) Tea sets and houses and clothing and food and everything before real barbie stuff was cool and that mini. Anyways, the point is I shared my collection with the class and everyone was just kind of awed by the AMOUNT of stuff that was in my collection, it was small stuff but it was a lot of it and it was mostly different stuff. And I would love getting different stuff for my collection. It's a neat little feeling knowing that you're getting something new for it. :)

Right now I collect Spoons from my travels, Post cards from my travels, Pressed pennies (also from traveling, but this is from tourist attractions lol) Coins (The New Quarters with the different / special backs), and Hello Kitty Stuffed animals (don't judge me! >_< lol).

I love the feeling of acquiring a new piece for a collection whether it be from my travels or just from a trip to the laundromat, I always feel like I'm nurturing something within myself by giving into my collections. I don't know if that's a sane way to look at it or not but for now I don't think it's too un healthy lol.  Plus, It makes me happy :)

What do you collect? Anything Odd, Cool or Funky? 

Stay Happy :)    

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